Thursday, September 17, 2009

Day 3 - Oh hai

Hello legs. Nice to meet you again.

But,, if I am not mistaken, you seemed to have picked up some weight since yesterday. Really? I mean, don't take this the wrong way, but you sure felt heavier during the jumprope sets than the day before.

And now it gets very real. Posting Day 1 photos. Ouch. I know what I should look like, so it will be nice to see the transformation back to something I am more familiar with. Started revealing to more people about the project today. All seem very interested and excited. Several in my work place already knew about the project and are totally envious. I am not one to go around shouting about my personal life or what I am working on, but I have gotten much better at it the last few years. Going this public with something I am this focused on is different. Maybe not entirely different, but it seems so much more real in print and photos. Accountability, transparency. I talk about this nearly every day in my work for a web marketing company. Now it is time to walk the talk personally.

Again, Bring IT!


  1. Excellent. Every person you tell is one more brick in your wall of "stick to itivness"

  2. Go Jonti! Love your determination.

  3. Love it! I was going to blog a brief letter to my slightly sore calf muscles, but you've said it all.

    Keep it up, Jonti!
