Sunday, November 1, 2009

Day 48 - Time Delta

Time Change!

Yesterday was a fantastic workout, one of my strongest feeling ever. I stopped about half way through when I would have grabbed a energy bar or goo gel in the past. This time? Fresh fruit. A big large plum. Then, off to the remainder of the workout and it was great. Today, I am paying for it. Ouch. Lats feel like they are bruised to the touch. I am sure they are growing, because we really got the breakdown on some of those darn fibers. But, I probably need to take it easy on the workouts and remember I am not quite the spring chicken any more. I have had muscle soreness plenty of times in the past and the best medicine is usually stretching and a light workout. Now, bruising to the touch is kind of new. Oh well... off to stretch it out.

Today has been out of sorts with the extra special muscle soreness and time change. Woke up and couldn't figure out what time it was all day. I loved having the extra hour all day and seemed like there was lots of time to do things. Now it is late in the evening and I am just plain pooped. We got a lot accomplished today and we have pretty much figured out how to travel around most of the day and stay on good PCP diets. We did forget to take egg whites with us, but had plenty of fruit and milk. But, the tiredness has set in and my body reacts differently than pre PCP days. In the past, I could stay up late, keep going, have an energy drink the next day, and keep pushing through. I know now, if I stay up late and don't get proper rest, my body pays me back with muscle soreness plus body and mind fatigue. Not fun. So, off to bed soon even though the clock says it is too early for bed.

Good night and good luck with the time change PCP'ers.


  1. Many a night I have had that same thought—it feels too early for bed, but boy does bed feel good!

    The muscle soreness looks like it's worth it—look at those guns. You're making Martina proud!

  2. There's something about slightly sore muscles that I enjoy -- reminds me that they're growing stronger. Of course, if they're really sore then it can be a bit brutal.

    That's when I turn to Tiger Balm! Before bed you take a hot shower and then rub the tar out of the sore spots with a smear of balm. Get a good night's sleep, and those muscles feel so much better in the morning.

    It's paying off, though -- look at the progress in your photos! Oh yeah!
