Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Day 7* - I'm Baa-a-c-k


One root canal, one mild "fainting goat" type episode, and soft butternut squash for restorative nutrition and we are back in the game. Almost. Sharp stabby pains are no fun, so I am particularly glad to get back to the pain of mild muscle soreness and temporary aches. The most fun I have had the last two days was wearily moving from place to place with and Advil bottle in close proximity at all times until the Dentist could do his thing.

The interesting bit is the last few years have really brought about some conscious health choices. A few years ago, I would have taken antibiotics and fought a major dental procedure at all costs. Now, I understand the relationship of a body running smoothly and the long term effects of decisions we make today. Is this Peak Condition Project related? I actually think so. I easily made the decision to have a root canal without kicking and screaming. Why? I know it is best for my body to remove the bad things (dying nerve), focus on what we can control and keep by body healthy. No more worries about future re-infections or worse. The things we do today (PCP) to maintain our health will be repaid with interest in the future.

I missed a few days, but my body was way stronger going into the endodontical procedure than it had been in a long time. I feel recovery coming on fast and my body already asking for the next workout. It won't be much more than stretching and some upper body tonight, but the holiday weekend ahead will allow me the time to reset my workouts. Thankful.

Catching up and almost ready to rock.


  1. Awesome, Jonti! I agree re: the understanding how important it is to heed your body's needs, even if it means the inconvenience of a procedure or even just visiting the doctor. Glad you're recovering quickly!

  2. Welcome back, Jonti -- glad to hear that you're on the mend!

    Muscle memory is an amazing thing, so I'm sure you'll be back to full reps in no time.

  3. Nice Jonti. I've found since I started doing this I'm much better able to face up to pain in the present rather than putting it off to a time when it'll only be greater, and on a schedule not of my choosing.
