Friday, November 6, 2009

Day 54 - Gym workout

We went to our local gym last night. It was kind of a treat to work out with plenty of mirrors around and watch our progress. Nice to see the muscles elongate and contract while working. It is a good motivator for me. Most people thing we are strange, because we use the bands and typically have to hook them to a heavy machine. Well, Denise uses them more than me, i still grab a free weight now and again. They prolly think we are nuts for not using the muscle isolation machines right there in front of us. Heh. But, I never got into that much anyway. We work out at home mostly, but we sneak over to the gym now and again if it is raining or something. We don't have enough space in the house to work out and don't have a garage. I love working out at home and using all my muscles, but admit to missing some of the time and focus at the gym. Sorry Patrick. There it is. Long term, I look forward to a mix of home natural workouts and the occasional gym trip.

We have used the aerobics room with soft wooden floors for jumping before. Easy on the knees. There was some sports team dance troupe practicing in there, so we didn't jump and took a break to use cardio machines. To be honest, a bit of a nice break from the jumprope. I am a fiend and love the Concept II rowing machine. But, I think I had some of Shelly's blue moon and just took it easy on the treadmill. One of the other benefits of going is they have an assisted pull-up station. I haven't been getting a good deep stretch and strong chin above the bar sets of pull-ups. I wanted to know what it feels like to do a full set, even if not pulling all my own weight. It felt great and I can't wait until I can do that on my own. Personal goal. Someday do a set of behind the head pull-ups. Wow.

Tonight, workout at home, stay focused and think about my lavish red wine and cheese plate for this weekend's indulgence.


  1. I used to love the assisted pull-up machine. The one I used could also be configured for adding weight to your tricep dips-- that was pretty sweet.

    Keep on rockin' it, Jonti! Can't wait to read about your indulgence.

    NIce Weekend!

  2. Argh, the gym wins this time, but I'll never stop fighting!

    Nothing wrong with the assisted pull up machine though. That is by far the fastest way to get to unassisted pull ups.

    I go to the gym once in a while too, to use the pull up bar set up that's like, 9 feet off the ground. So nice to not have to bend the knees.
